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NYFW 0919
NYFW 0919
NYFW 0919
NYFW 0220
Before the Pier59 Studios could re-open after the pandemic, there were a series of social distancing graphics, informational packets, and other various projects needed to ensure the the safety of all staff and clients upon re-entering.
Studio graphics OVERVIEW
Here you will see my initial proposal for all the graphics that would be installed around the studio, photos of the graphics after they had been ordered and installed, along with some documentation of additional graphics I created later on, that weren't in the initial proposal. You will also see content created to appear on some of the digital monitors throughout the studio (as opposed to a physical graphic.)
Additionally, we needed to develop a more "contact free" way for our floor staff to interface with clients.
Being the Client Services manager (as well as the Art Media department) I did research and found a texting service which led to me setting up each of the floor departments with their own account and phone number.
(Client Services, Digital, and Equipment)
This allowed clients could text us as opposed to physically approaching our staffs stations in person.
We generated QR codes for each of these numbers, and had them displayed all around the studio. When scanned, an automatically drafted text would show up on your phone - creating the most easy and seamless experience possible.
I must refrain on displaying the QR graphics created privacy purposes, however.
This is PDF was created in InDesign.
It's used to send to our clients to brief them on the changes we underwent
and prep them for new practices upon booking and shooting with us.
on set production protocol
This is PDF was created in InDesign.
It's used to send to our clients to give them a more in-depth look at new protocols we had for staff and client when working directly on set at the studios.
Miche Hobson
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